About us


Our Mission family seeks to provide for the spiritual needs of our diverse community through vibrant liturgies and ministries, thereby creating a supportive, loving, caring, and accepting environment for all.


The Sacred Heart Syro Malabar Catholic Mission, St. Louis, Missouri, is affiliated with the Syro Malabar Diocese of Chicago. It was established on October 8, 2023, blessed and inaugurated by Bishop Mar Joy Alappatt.

Below are the five primary purposes of the mission:

  • To provide a spiritual home and sanctuary for individuals and families of Syro Malabar heritage in St. Louis, fostering a strong sense of community and belonging.
  • To celebrate the rich traditions, rituals, and liturgy of the Syro Malabar Church, ensuring the preservation and transmission of our cultural and religious heritage to future generations.
  • To promote spiritual formation and education, equipping members of all ages with the knowledge, values, and practices necessary to live out their faith authentically in today’s world.
  • To engage in charitable works and social justice initiatives, embodying the gospel values of compassion, justice, and solidarity with the marginalized and vulnerable.
  • To collaborate with other Syro Malabar parishes and Catholic communities across the United States, fostering unity, interaction, and mutual support in advancing the mission of the Church and building strong network.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the mission or would like to learn more about the mission, please reach out to anyone in the mission council.

History and details about the Mission

Our church has a rich history of community involvement and outreach programs. We believe that it is our responsibility to help those in need and positively impact our community. From providing food and shelter to the homeless to organizing events for the less fortunate, we strive to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and help those who are less fortunate than us.

Our mission is to create a welcoming and inclusive community where people of all backgrounds can come together to worship, learn, and grow together. We believe that everyone has a unique and important role to play in our church, and we encourage everyone to get involved and find their place in our community.

Mission Director information

Welcome to Sacred Heart Church! Our Mission Director is responsible for ensuring that our church remains true to its mission and values. We are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of our community, and our Mission Director plays a vital role in helping us achieve this. If you would like more information about our Mission Director or have any questions about our church, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Council Information

Our council meets regularly to discuss and make decisions on church matters such as budget, events, programs, and community outreach initiatives. We strive to ensure that our decisions align with our values and the needs of our congregation. We encourage all members of our church community to attend council meetings and provide their input and feedback. Your voice matters, and we value your opinion.


Ministry providing an environment for the mission community to grow as a faith community and support liturgical services. This ministry focuses on coordination of Mass and prayer services, faith formation activities and helping those with spiritual needs

Please contact: Antony Koithara | (314) 898 2478


Music ministry organizes community choir for the parish and coordinates Mass songs, Christmas Carol, Ecumenical Carol and other musical needs.

Please contact: Aji Jose| (786) 307 1356


Welcoming face of the community, making new members and guests feel welcome! This ministry organizes initiatives to help those in need.. Reaches out and helps families having hardship or going through difficult times. Organizes food for key events such as Christmas and Easter celebrations.

Please contact: Simmy Varghese | (214) 463 3419


This ministry focuses primarily on spreading awareness of the mission outside the community. Organizes various initiatives to evangelize and grow mission community, build relationship outside the community and engages other religious and social communities in St Louis.

Please contact: Sabu Zacharias | (314) 346 3636


Ministry to Establish financial tools and procedures per diocese policies for proper management of parish finance. Manages and monitors day to day financial transactions and ensures proper record keeping

Please contact: Saji Joseph| (314) 477 4515

Mission Council

Hospitality Simmy Varghese
Liturgy Antony Koithara
Finance Saji Joseph
Music Aji Jose
Outreach Sabu Zacharias
Youth Nishita Mary John
Trustees Jinu Augustine, Jai Thomas
Director Fr. Lijo Kallaracka